2.2 Definition

Before delving into the details of the Elastos BeL2 airdrop credit model, it is essential to understand several key terms:

  • User Activity: This metric is determined by the number of months a wallet address was active on-chain, from the founding of the Elastos blockchain until December 31, 2023. It measures the frequency of interactions between the user's wallet and other wallets on a specific chain.

  • Interaction Count: This is the total number of interactions initiated by a particular wallet address from the inception of Elastos until December 31, 2023.

  • Transaction Volume: This refers to the total value of all transactions initiated by a specific wallet address, calculated as the cumulative sum of the ELA quantity of each transaction multiplied by the market price of ELA at the time of each transaction.

  • Wallet Balance: The total amount of ELA tokens held by a specific wallet address at the time the credit score is calculated.

  • Community Engagement: This reflects the user's participation in the Elastos Main Chain ecosystem, specifically through activities such as registration and voting for CR nodes, and registration and voting in BPoS/DPoS nodes.

  • Registration and Voting of CR Nodes: The Cyber Republic (CR) is the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) responsible for community governance within the Elastos ecosystem. It conducts regular council elections and community votes, applicable only on the Elastos Main Chain.

  • Registration and Voting of DPoS Nodes: DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) is Elastos’ first-generation blockchain consensus mechanism, focused on community voting to elect nodes that verify and record transactions, applicable only on the Elastos Main Chain.

  • Registration and Voting of BPoS Nodes: BPoS (Bonded Proof of Stake) is Elastos’ second-generation blockchain consensus mechanism, also based on community voting to elect nodes that verify and record transactions, applicable only on the Elastos Main Chain.

  • BeL2 Inscription: BeL2 inscriptions are tokens that were anonymously launched on the Bitcoin network in December 2023. With a total issuance of 2.1 quadrillion tokens, the BeL2 team plans to distribute 10% of these tokens to the Elastos community across the Elastos Main Chain, Elastos Smart Chain(ESC), and the Ethereum blockchain.

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