5. Q&A

A catalogue of relevant questions, issues and suggestions and their subsequent answers and guidance from CreDA developers and leadership.

Q: Why doesn't my wallet address's credit score assessment include transactions related to BPoS and DPoS node registrations?

A: The issue arises because the wallet address used to register BPoS/DPoS nodes is different from the address that actually owns the node. This specific logic, designed by Elastos Essentials Wallet, results in the user's wallet address being different from the true address for node registration.

In response to this issue, the CreDA team is unable to include registration information of some wallets addresses (initiating addresses) into their credit score calculation. However, the CreDA team will provide a list containing the initiating addresses and the true addresses for the nodes registration as a reference for community. Moreover, CreDA will collaborate with the BeL2 team to ensure this issue does not affect the actual quantity of airdrops received by users.

Q: Why is my transaction number lower than expected when scanning my wallet on the Elastos Main Chain?

A: Only transactions initiated by a specific address can be counted for that address. If you are receiving ELA from other wallet addresses, these types of transactions cannot be counted for your wallet address.

Q: If a user wants to check their score for an Ethereum address, is it only considering wallet addresses on Ethereum that have a balance and history of transacting with ELA?

A: A wallet address doesn't have to have to hold a balance of ELA but it must have held ELA on the Ethereum Chain and transacted at some point in the last six years up until December 31, 2023.

Q: Does the Oracle account for all transactions on a particular chain?

A: The Oracle is designed to score transactions on one blockchain at a time. In the case of the BeL2 Airdrop, for which CreDA is currently piloting, the three chains that are available are Ethereum, Elastos Main Chain and Elastos Smart Chain. The Oracle only accounts for ordinary transactions, which refers to transactions between active wallets. Wallet transactions with protocols are not included in the score.

Q: My wallet has been in use for several years, so why is its activity is only being calculated for a few recent months?

A: User Activity is determined by the number of months a wallet address has been active since the founding of the Elastos blockchain up until December 31, 2023. It measures the frequency of interactions between the user's wallet and other wallets on a specific chain.

Q: What are the criteria for the BeL2 Airdrop?

A: To get a CreDA Score, as the Oracle is currently configured, a wallet on either the Elastos Main Chain, the Ethereum Chain or the Elastos Smart Chain needs to hold ELA and have been active from Elastos' founding up until December 31, 2023. For a full list of the scoring criteria, please read the details here: https://creda.gitbook.io/elastos-bel2-airdrop-credit-oracle

Last updated