
The CreDA Credit Oracle for the Elastos Main Chain is structured as follows:

Transaction Volume

  • Based on the USD value of ELA token transactions before and up till December 31, 2023. If the transaction volume is greater than 1000 USDT, a weight of 1 to 5 points can be obtained depending on the different levels of the transaction volume.

Interaction Count

  • Before and up till December 31, 2023, if the address has more than 10 historical transactions, it will receive a weight of 1 to 4 points depending on the number of transactions.

User Activity

  • Before and up till December 31, 2023, if an address has transaction records in more than one month (including non-consecutive months), it can receive a weight of 1 to 8 points depending on the number of months in which transactions have been active.

Address Balance

  • Before and up till December 31, 2023, if the address balance at the time of the ELA snapshot is greater than 10 ELA, it can receive a weight of 1 to 5 points depending on the balance.

Registration and Voting of DPoS Nodes

  • Before and up till December 31, 2023, if an address has registered a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) node or voted at least once for a DPoS node, 2 points can be obtained for registration activities and 1 point can be obtained for voting activities.

Registration and Voting of BPoS Nodes

  • Before and up till December 31, 2023, if an address has registered a Bonded Proof of Stake (BPoS) node or voted at least once for a BPoS node, 2 points can be obtained for registration activities and 1 point can be obtained for voting activities.

CR Node Registration/Voting

  • Before and up till December 31, 2023, if an address has registered a CR node or voted at least once for a CR node, 2 points can be obtained for registration activities and 1 point can be obtained for voting activities.

Last updated